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You’re Invited: Outlook 2024

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On the evening of January 31st at 7:00 PM EST, our Wealth management partners will be conducting a virtual event that we think you would be interested in.

The panelists are experts who are plugged into financial markets, the world’s economies and industry trends. They will be sharing their views on the financial landscape and economy in the upcoming year.

Speakers and Topics

Investment Management Trends

Bill Chinery, former Chairman of the Investment Committee, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP).

Bill will be speaking on the historical institutional trends in investment management and high net worth private investors and his expectations for 2024 and beyond.

Ontario Real Estate Trends

Sasha Cucuz, CEO of Greybrook Securities/Greybrook Capital.

Greybrook has been involved in $35 billion of multi-family residential projects in 30 countries, he will speak on the trends in Ontario real estate where they have the majority of their holdings.

The Artificial Intelligence Goldrush

Prathna Ramesh is the Vice President of Operations at FutureSight

She will be speaking on Artificial Intelligence Trends in the Economy and some of the Untapped Commercial Opportunities available with AI.

This is the fourth Outlook event that Wealth Stewards are hosting and we have received excellent feedback from clients who have attended past events.

We hope you can make it!

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