Wealth Stewards wins the 2017 Global Financial Planning Awards for Canada

Multi year winner global financial planning awards for canada logo

This past Monday, May 29, 2017, at the Canadian Institute of Financial Planners (CIFPs) Annual Conference in Ottawa, Wealth Stewards was recognized as the overall winner of the 2017 Global Financial Planning Awards for Canada.

The PlanPlus Canada National Financial Planning Awards competition is designed to raise the profile of financial planning and give the public a better appreciation of the important role played by this profession. It is supported by all recognized financial planning associations in Canada - CIFPs, IQPF, IAFP, and FPSC, The competition is open to all Canadian financial advisors who are members in good standing of a financial planning association or other professional body, and who hold a recognized professional designation.

Regarding Wealth Steward's win, Financial Planning Standards Council President and CEO, Cary List had this to say:

“In the 20 years I’ve known Paul, he has always been a true champion for the importance of sound financial planning, for bringing creative solutions to clients, and for promoting the added value financial planning brings to the professional accounting community. It is great to see Paul recognized for his hard work.”

We count it a privilege to be included with the top financial planners internationally. We are looking forward to moving onto the finals of the Global Financial Planning Awards – Americas region, which will be announced later this year.

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