Your Guide Through The Storm Weekly Webinar Series

Cover photo for the weekly webinar series names your guide through the storm

Over the last month and a half, the world has become a very different place, both from a financial perspective and a human one. We are all living through unprecedented times and with these sudden changes come a sense of anxiety for many.

During market corrections such as this one, uncertainty, fear and opportunity seekers have caused market volatility and pain for many investors. We know that that many people have had questions about their individual financial situations and during times like these people will often need a stable guide.

In an effort to keep all of our clients informed, Wealth Stewards has been holding a weekly webinar every Friday afternoon for the last six weeks. The webinar series, called “Your Guide Through the Storm”, examines how to navigate the current markets as well as action that can be taken on the aspects of your financial life where you have control.

We know that many of you have been able to attend sessions live, asking questions and engaging with the content. For those who have not been able to attend or watch the recordings, we wanted to take this opportunity to share some of what has been discussed.

All Webinars can be accessed here and we would encourage you to take some time to review and episodes that are of interest or relevance to you:

Webinar One, Friday March 13th 2020:

The first webinar featured Paul Tyers and Scott Eicher addressing the initial volatility that we saw in the markets. The importance of sticking to the plan and focusing on a long-term view of investing was central. Short- and medium-term adjustments to portfolios and portfolio strategy was discussed.

Webinar Two, Friday March 20th 2020:

Bob Simpson, Paul Tyers and Scott Eicher provided an update on the current markets as well as a bit of background on the core-satellite investing strategy that Portfolio Stewards uses. The importance of risk profiling and how major market shocks can impact an individual’s appetite for risk were also core.

Webinar Three, Friday March 27th 2020:

Bob Simpson, Paul Tyers and Scott Eicher provided an update on how the PSI portfolios have reacted in comparison to the wider market. The webinar provided some background on the mechanics of investing and what causes financial markets to rise and fall as well as, a look back on the historical implications of market drops and how markets have reacted to major world events and crisis’s in the past. A reassessment of asset allocations was discussed including selling gold positions to buy TD bank and Royal Bank stocks.

Webinar Four, Friday April 3rd 2020:

The fourth webinar featured Bob Simpson, Scott Eicher, Cliff Fraser from Equiton and Sean Rogister Cortland Credit. In addition to the usual market and PSI portfolio update, this week’s presentation included a roundtable discussion on the private debt and equity markets. Cliff Fraser and Sean Rogister were able to lend their expertise and provide some insight into how both Cortland Credit and Equiton are adapting and weathering the COVID-19 storm.

Webinar Five, Friday April 9th 2020:

Webinar five featured, Bob Simpson, Paul Tyers and Michele Follows of Estate Stewards. The conversation centred around two key points. The first being an update on the Portfolio Stewards Recovery Strategy and the second being an Estate Planning updated. Michele Follows addressed what you can be doing during this time in regards to estate planning, the key documents you need to have, common pitfalls people run into and regulation changes as a result of COVID-19.

As mentioned previously, recordings of all of the above webinars can be accessed via We will continue to host regular webinars through the duration of this unprecedented situation.

All examples are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to provide individual financial, investment, tax, legal or accounting advice. This material is for general information and is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to compile this material from a reliable source. However, we cannot guarantee that information will be accurate, complete and current at all times. Before acting on any of the above, please make sure to see a financial professional for advice based on your personal circumstances.

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